Dear comrades
Thank you very much for your support to the Korean metro workers struggle. We have received more than 120 solidarity messages, pictures and videos of many worker’s organizations including metro and transportation industry from 51 countries all over the world. These solidarity actions that hold international working class’s tradition of unity, have been reported to the Korean metro workers. and we are really inspired by your solidarity
Overwhelm 78.9% Korean metro workers have voted for the strike action, and the KRMU organized a press conference on the 23rd of August demanding the government’s supporting for the loss of public metro, enactment of the government responsibility for the transportation welfare, abolishing the structural adjustment plan, and direct negotiation with the union on these topics. The KRMU has also announced it will go on strike on 14th of September and the metro workers will come to Seoul and make a mass protest on the same day unless the union’s demands are met. This would be joined by railway workers who have been fighting to unify separated 2 high-speed railway companies in national and outsourced light rail system in local.
The KRMU is organizing a substantial and powerful strike informing the legitimacy of the struggle to the Korean people and maximizing the solidarity for the action while waiting for the government response to our demands. However, the Korean government that has the full responsibility for the coming strike and the protest, has not answered our demand, but it should do not too late to the Korean workers and peoples demands.
Metro, Transportation workers and all workers of the world, We urge you to support the KRMU’s ongoing struggle again. When the KRMU goes on the strike and make protest assembly in the heart of Seoul, please organize solidarity action against the Korean government offices (eg, embassy) condemning the Korean government which forces the structural adjustment, victimizing the metro workers, risking the safety of the citizen, neglection the responsibility for the loss of public metro. Those actions would be to organize any kind of action, such as protesting letter, protesting visit, meeting in front of the office, presses conference, and let the Korean metro workers know about your solidarity. It will help us to disclose the imprudence of the Korean government.
In International Solidarity
August 30, 2021
Dae-hun, Kim (President of Korea Rail and Metro Uinons’ council)
Jeong-hee, Hyun (President of Korean Public and Transport workers’ Union)
Kyung-su, Yang (President of Korean Confederation of Trade Unions)